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Links of the week

I’m working on a couple of posts that are a little bit more substantive – but I ain’t there yet so here’s some links this week. It’s also a carbon tax free zone (more on that later). You would think that getting a group of former jihadists, neo-Nazi skinheads, Irish extremists and US gang members

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Djd Set: Devil City Swing, Sunday Night

Devil City Swing has got to be one of my favourite exchanges. So I was thrilled to be playing a set there. My set was Sunday night at the last venue (The Grand Poobah). We were late getting into the venue so I couldn’t have music playing when people arrived. The first couple of songs

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Godwin’s Law

Christopher Monckton. Godwin’s Law. That is all. I would like to go to one of his talks, but only if the venue is licensed so I can play the fallacy drinking game. I’d probably wind up with alcohol poisoning though.

Links of the week

Late last week the winners of the Seattle Vintage Jazz Dance third annual Swing/Jazz Dance Music Video Contest were announced. The first place winner is fantastic: I’ve already written about the ‘working families‘ phenomenon. Now the Sydney Morning Herald’s economics editor, Ross Gittins, explores how poverty (lack of income) is just one of the features

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Links of the week

This week Ross Garnaut released an update to his climate change review. If you don’t feel like reading the whole thing there’s an excellent summary (and he pulls no punches on what the coalition should be doing) on The Drum. Someone has made me a search engine. (Alright – it’s for all nerdy types out

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Review: Where to buy music in Australia

I’ve had a lot of people asking me lately where to buy swing music from so I thought I’d put together a post outlining the best places to purchase music from. I’ll cover physical stores and buying CDs online as well as digital downloads. This is written from the Australian viewpoint – noting that many

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Swing dancing analogies: A chocolate teapot

I’ve observed with interest the recent multiplication of swing dancing analogies. Perhaps it’s the rise of the swing dancing blog, or there’s more people thinking about dancing but I’m beginning to think that it’s getting a bit much. Some of them are cute, some of them show the nerdiness of Lindy Hoppers and yet others

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Links of the week

Chris Moody in Mother Jones talks about how ideology trumps facts. He explains how people deny facts when they are in conflict with their beliefs. It’s no wonder then that climate sceptics don’t change their minds, but it does happen as Brian Merchant finds out at Slate.com. The key? They need to change their minds

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What is the new ‘Middle Class’?

The post-budget articles in the newspapers are making me sick. Making out families on $150,000 a year as though they’re on struggle street is pretty dirty, when folk in that situation are better off than most of us. Matt Cowgill has written an excellent piece trying to find out what the middle class (middle meaning

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The Canadian Election: Why they need preferential voting

I like Canada and I like elections (it’s my largest tag word at the moment, which I should really do something about). Canada had an election a couple of days ago hence I shall discuss. For a country considered fairly liberal the political system is somewhat backward. The Senate is not elected (and there have

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